Any Doctor Who fans out there? Any? I sure hope so! Because if you don't like Doctor Who, we can't be friends.
Okay, okay. Just kidding. I will still be your friend. But I will continue to tell you how amazing Doctor Who is. All the time. Are you ready for that? Let's go.
The good news is, you don't have to be a fan of Doctor Who to loooooove these cupcakes!
I am still experimenting with making my own recipes, but for these cupcakes I went with the tried and true. My favorite cupcake blog ever - of all time in all creation - is Confessions of a Cookbook Queen. She makes the most beautiful cupcakes I have ever seen. And, to be fair, she makes other things, too. Not just cupcakes. I have made a TON of her recipes, and I have loved every single one. Never been disappointed by anything I've ever tried from her.
So when my brother came up with the idea for "Wibbly Wobbly Timey Limey" cupcakes for Doctor Who, I went straight to Kristan's Key Lime Cupcakes. And they were DELICIOUS! I especially loved the frosting!
Doctor Who explains time like this: "People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but actually from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly...timey wimey...stuff."
But don't take it from me. Listen to the Doctor as played by David Tennant (this clip is five minutes long, but if you want the timey wimey part, skip to 1:19):
So, Doctor Who fans, make these for your next Doctor Who viewing party. Or just for fun. And non Doctor Who fans, make these, because they are delicious!
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